Show figure caption
Left: In silico saturation mutagenesis of all coding variants represented in their relative
position of the gene coding sequence. Relevant functional protein domains are represented within
each gene body. Potential driver mutations appear in red and potential passenger mutations in gray.
The concentration of driver mutations at different regions of the protein is represented as a density.
The vertical bar plot shows the frequency bins of boostDM scores. Right: For each random subsample
of the tumor type cohort, the number of unique mutations mapping to the gene can be counted. The bend of
the best fitting curve to the subsampling data is informative of how close the current pool of mutations
is from representing all the possible mutations in this gene-tumor type context.
Cancer type |
Selected cancer type
Mutational discovery Index
Feature Complexity
(PAAD) Pancreas adenocarcinoma |
0.90 |
0.08 |